While you are here, we have a small favor to ask.
Due to the way we run the ship, we are chronically short of funds. Karaka is run as a non profit cooperative. All the money received from the contributing crew is used integrally to finance the running and the maintaining of the boat.
In order to make it accessible to everybody, we keep the weekly contribution as low as possible, so that people on a budget can afford sailing with us and experience an alternative, community oriented, self-sustainable, low impact seafaring lifestyle.
The downside of this is that we have only very limited funds available for the long term maintenance costs, for the replacement of worn or damaged gear and for the financing of the various projects of improvement we would like to undertake.
The money received from the generous people who express their support with a donation help us keep the dream alive.
Please join the Karaka tribe by sending us a little something.
Thank you.