...The Crew

- Country of origin : Austria
- Length of stay : 2 months in 2012, 4 months in 2019
- Nautical miles sailed : 300 miles in 2012, 4 000 in 2019
- Places visited : 2012 : Mexico then
2019 : Pulau Tioman (Malaysia), Anambas archipel & Belitung (Indonesia), Rodrigues & Mauritius islands (Indian ocean)
Peter is a photographer/cameraman. He worked on movies in Austria and took great photos as a hobby. We met him in 2012 through a friend in La Paz with whom he was romantically involved. But sadly the love story turned sour and he asked us to take him away from the place. He sailed with us in the Sea of Cortez and although he was a mountain guy he took to the sea very fast and even became quite good at free diving.
Peter joined us again in 2019 to cross the Indian ocean. You can follow him on his youtube channel : Travelling beard
Type :Past Crew