...The Crew


  • Year of birth : 1986
  • Country of origin : Spain
  • Length of stay : 8 months in 2010/2011 and another 5 months crossing the Pacific on our other boat Orianne in 2011.
  • Nautical miles sailed : 3000 on Karaka, 9000 on Orianne
  • Places visited : Costa rica, Mexico, Orianne

Martin hails from Menorca, a spannish island in the Med. His sister Eva sailed with us in the Carribean. Martin, seduced by the life afloat, joined us in Costa Rica in 2010. Once we arrived in La Paz in Mexico, instead of going his way he stayed with us, and invested in Orianne, the 40ft sailboat we bought there. He then took part in the refit, and was one of the four crew to sail that boat to Australia in 2011, the others being Kim, Alex Belmont and Me. He parted way with the Orianne crew after we reached Australia, we did actually leave him on a deserted island. He was okay though, it was the wonderful Percy Island, Kim’s childhood haunts. Martin has a very strong personality and it was quite an experience to be living with him for over a year.

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