...The Crew

Kat the cat

kat the cat
  • Name : Kat
  • Year of birth : 2004
  • Country of origin : Philippines
  • Length of stay : 2005 - 2017
  • Nautical miles sailed : Over 64 000
  • Places visited : Kingdom of Karaka, then the Jungle of Borneo...

Kat has so far been the most consistent crew member on board karaka. Born on the island of Palawan in the Philipines, she got shangaied one night of february 2005 from the beach restaurant where she was leaving with her family. Since, she has established herself the uncontested queen of the boat. Traveling without a passport she hasn’t put paw to shore in years, but seems quite satisfied with her life anyway. She is a fiery, ornery, loud and yet extremely cute little thing. She’ll kill for fresh or dried fish and will wake you up at sunrise for a catfood refill. She has no tail, and the reason for that is a secret well garded. Suppositions run from shark bite, pirate stray bullet, engine belt disaster, irate fish fileting crew, giant crab, emergency rations and fashion statement.
In september 2017, Kat decided to explore  the jungle of Borneo, forever… 

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