...The Crew


  • Year of birth : 1981
  • Country of origin : USA
  • Length of stay : 8 months in 2004/2005, 1 month in 2014
  • Nautical miles sailed : 3000
  • Places visited : Hong Kong, Philipines, Malaysia, Tuamotus

Brad was the first to join. He came in Hong Kong to help me refit the boat. He had never sailed before or worked on a boat, but his manual skills were well developped and so he proved extremely helpful. I can say It would have been much harder to get Karaka going without him. He has since sailed on several other ships, passed his yachtmaster and eventually bought a 40ft wooden boat in New Zealand and sailed solo all the way across the pacific and against the wind to San francisco. He is now the happy owner of the Southern Pacific Brewery and spends most of his time surfing and traveling. He came to visit us in the remote atolls of the tuamotus in 2014. He is now looking to get a new boat and go cruising.

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